Before sending our first unit to Ulaanbaatar, we conducted extensive testing on our system. To mimic the size of the ger’s interior, we used a backyard shed as our testing location. We filled the shed with smoke from a meat smoker until it reached the highest level of AQI ever recorded in Ulaanbaatar (500 AQI). On average, our system was able to bring the AQI back down to 50, or healthy levels, within 20 minutes. 

Testing Results

Once our unit was sent to Ulaanbaatar and installed in a home, we were able to receive testing data from TFCF (The Taiwan Fund for Children and Families). This is the data from our system in Ulaanbaatar, demonstrating a significant downward trend in AQI readings with the use of our system.

As seen in the AQI Data with our system, we are able to improve the AQI from 325 (extremely hazardous) to 80 (Satisfactory) in less than 2 hours. Conversely, without our system, the air quality continues to remain hazardous for over 17 hours with no way to re-establish healthy levels.